Environment Sustainability Management Cell


The Environment Sustainability Management Cell is a key initiative at Manohar Memorial College of Education, dedicated to fostering environmental awareness among the younger generation. This cell is committed to cultivating future leaders who will champion environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Our activities include organizing rallies, marches, and human chains in public spaces to spread environmental awareness. The cell will engage in various initiatives such as tree plantation and cleanliness drives both within and beyond the college campus. Future plans include conducting case studies on the use of eco-friendly products and energy conservation methods.

Additionally, the Environment Sustainability Management Cell will promote eco-friendly practices like non-chemical pest management and the use of renewable energy to meet local needs. Through these efforts, we aim to inspire and empower students to contribute to a sustainable future.


Environmental Education: Promote awareness and understanding of environmental issues, sustainability principles, and the importance of conservation among students and the wider community through workshops, seminars, and educational campaigns.

  • Sustainable Practices: Implement and advocate for sustainable practices within the college campus and local community, including waste reduction, energy conservation, water management, and the promotion of eco-friendly alternatives.
  • Community Engagement: Engage students in environmental conservation activities such as tree plantation drives, cleanliness campaigns, and biodiversity preservation efforts both within and outside the college premises.
  • Research and Innovation: Encourage and support research initiatives related to environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation, and innovative solutions for environmental challenges.
  • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability at the institutional, local, and national levels, influencing decision-making processes towards a greener and more sustainable future.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with local communities, NGOs, government agencies, and industry partners to enhance the impact and reach of sustainability initiatives, fostering synergies and sharing best practices.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently manage natural resources within the college campus, including energy, water, and land use, to minimize environmental impact and promote resource conservation.
  • Promotion of Eco-friendly Practices: Encourage the adoption of eco-friendly behaviors and practices among students and staff, such as recycling, composting, sustainable transportation, and responsible consumption.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the environmental footprint of college activities and initiatives, using data-driven insights to improve sustainability practices and outcomes over time.
  • Capacity Building: Provide training and development opportunities for students and staff to enhance their knowledge, skills, and leadership in environmental sustainability, empowering them to drive positive change within their communities and beyond.

Incharge : Ms. Sunita Rani (Asstt. Prof.)

Members :

  •   Dr. Kavita Rani(Asstt. Prof.)
  • Mr. Mangat Ram (Librarian)
  • Ms. Amanpreet kaur(Asstt. Prof.)
  • Dr. Narsingh Patel(Asstt. Prof.)
  • Mr. Lalit Kumar (Computer Instructor)

Student Members

  • Asmita (23028)
  • Harjeet Kaur(23054)