Anti-Ragging & Sexual Harassment Committee

Vision :

  • To ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment within educational institutions by actively preventing and addressing instances of ragging.
  • To create a campus culture where every student feels safe, respected, and valued, free from the fear of harassment or humiliation.
  • To create an educational environment that fosters camaraderie, empathy, and mutual support among students, contributing to their holistic development and academic success.
  • To upholding the principles of dignity, inclusivity, and accountability.
  • To cultivate a sense of belonging and community spirit, where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
  • To nurture a culture of mutual respect and responsibility, where every member of the campus community actively contributes to the prevention and elimination of ragging.
  • To emulate our commitment to creating a safer and more inclusive educational environment for all.


  • To educate students about the consequences of ragging and promote positive behavior.
  • To detect early signs of ragging and promptly intervene to prevent escalation.
  • To victims of ragging, including counseling, guidance, and legal assistance, and help them cope with the trauma and seek justice.
  • Enforcing disciplinary measures in accordance with institutional policies and legal provisions against perpetrators of ragging, ensuring accountability and deterrence.
  • To Collaborating with relevant stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, parents, law enforcement agencies, and community organizations and to mobilize collective action and resources in the fight against ragging.
  • To create a legal framework that effectively deters and punishes ragging offenders.
  • Regularly assessing the effectiveness of anti-ragging measures, gathering feedback from stakeholders, and incorporating lessons learned to continuously improve our strategies and interventions.


  • To ensure the safety, well-being, and psychological integrity of students.
  • To raise awareness about the negative consequences of ragging and promote a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity among students.
  • To create a safe and conducive learning environment where every student feels respected, valued, and free from any form of harassment or intimidation.
  • To address any ragging issues immediately and taken action as
    advised by cell.

Anti-Ragging & Sexual Harassment Committee