
The mission of the Red Ribbon Club at Manohar Memorial College is to raise awareness, foster empathy, and empower students to actively contribute to the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the support of those affected by it. Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, we strive to create a supportive environment that promotes health, dignity, and inclusivity for all individuals, regardless of their HIV status. We aim to equip students with knowledge, skills, and resources to champion HIV/AIDS prevention, challenge stigma, and advocate for compassionate policies within our college and the wider community. Through our initiatives, we aim to inspire a generation of informed and empathetic leaders who champion equality, health, and well-being for all.


  • HIV/AIDS Awareness: Conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars to educate students and the community about HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, and stigma reduction.
  • Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Provide emotional support, care, and advocacy for individuals living with HIV/AIDS, promoting their well-being and integration into the community.
  • Promotion of Safe Practices: Encourage and promote safe sexual practices, including the importance of regular testing and access to healthcare services for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
  • Youth Empowerment: Empower students to become peer educators and advocates for HIV/AIDS prevention and support, equipping them with skills and knowledge to promote positive behavior change among their peers.
  • Advocacy and Policy Engagement: Advocate for policies and initiatives that protect the rights and improve the quality of life for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS, ensuring access to healthcare, education, and social support.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Collaborate with healthcare providers, NGOs, and community organizations to enhance the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention and support efforts, leveraging resources and expertise.
  • Research and Innovation: Support research initiatives that contribute to the understanding and advancement of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, fostering innovation in public health practices.
  • Community Outreach: Engage the broader community in discussions and activities aimed at reducing HIV/AIDS stigma, promoting empathy, and fostering a supportive environment for those affected.
  • Capacity Building: Provide training and skill development opportunities for students interested in public health, HIV/AIDS advocacy, and community service, enhancing their ability to contribute effectively to the club’s mission.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly assess the impact of club activities and initiatives, using feedback to continuously improve and adapt strategies for greater effectiveness in HIV/AIDS prevention and support efforts.

Incharge : Ms. Sunita Rani (Asstt. Prof.)

Members :

  • Mr.Balwant Singh (Asstt. Prof.)
  • Ms. Amanpreet Kaur (Asstt. Prof.)
  • Dr. Jyoti (Asstt. Prof.)
  • Ms. Monika Rani (Lecturer)

Student Members : 

  • Aarti (23033)
  • Pooja (23030)