General Rules
- Every reader entering the library should sign in the Visitor’s Register kept for the purpose at the entrance gate of the Library.
- Personal books are not allowed in the Library but in certain cases with the permission of the Librarian, books may be taken in.
- Silence should be observed in designated quiet areas in the Library. Cell phones should be kept on silent mode so as not to disturb other users.
- Readers are not allowed to take their belongings inside the Library.
- Seats in the Library cannot be reserved.
- Eating and smoking are not permitted within Library premises.
- Writing or making any kind of mark in a book or a periodical is forbidden.
- Cutting or tearing of any photo or page from any publication is prohibited.
- Any student caught mutilating or stealing Library materials will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
- Behave with the staff nicely in order to get good and quick service from them.
- Library Staff has the right to ask anyone causing disturbances to leave the Library.
Library Timing
Monday to Saturday 8.30 A.M. to 3.30 P.M.